Article 1 of Resolution No.126/5/95 defines a broker as “every natural or juridical person, other than a financial
institution, authoried to carry out the activities of a financial
and monetary brokerage”
Article 2 of the same Resolution
states that the activities of a broker
shall be restricted to
acting as an interme- diary in the buying and selling
of local and foreign shares and stocks, currencies, commodities, and as an inter- mediary in the monetary
4.1 Application and License
An application for a financial and monetary brokerage license may be submitted by
either a natural
or juridical person. Such application should be made on the prescribed form accompanied by the following:
(a) A confirmation of the nature
and extent of the proposed business
and its management structure;
(b) Name and address of
the applicant and passport copies of its promoters;
(c) Bank guarantee equal to 50% of the share capital of the applicant;
(d) An undertaking to adhere to
the laws and regulations of the Central Bank including the 1980
Law; and
(e) Any other documents
required by the Central Bank.
4.2 Pre-License Conditions
The following conditions must be satisfied before an application for a license is submitted
to the Central Bank.
(a) Paid-up capital or the funds allocated for the proposed activities shall not be less than:
(i) Dhs.1,000,000 if the activities relate
to local stocks and shares only;
(ii) Dhs.2,000,000 if the activities relate only to foreign stocks and
(iii) Dhs.3, 000,000 if the activities relate only to currencies and
commodities and brokerage in
the monetary market;
(iv) Dhs.6, 000,000 to carry out all the above three
The share capital must be increased by
10% in the event that an application for a branch is submitted.
(b) The applicant shall be a U.A.E. national (not less than 21 years of age) if
the application is submitted by an individual.
If the applicant is a company,
then the national
shareholding shall not be less than 60% of the total paid- up
(c) The applicant must be of good personal and professional standing.
(d) The proposed manager must have sufficient knowledge
of the brokerage business. A license, if granted, would be valid for one year,
renewable thereafter.
Winston Wambua
For more information please contact me on
Mobile +971553350517
Skype: Winston.wambua
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