New Entity:
Free Zone
Establishment FZE: A new business entity with 1 shareholder (can be an
individual or a Company)
Free Zone Company
FZ LLC: A new business entity, with 2 or more shareholders (can be individuals and/or
Local Branch: A
branch of an existing firm in the UAE
Foreign Branch: A
branch of an existing firm outside the UAE
Please note we
will require the below for a Branch Office or when a company is a shareholder:
Documentation of parent company (Share Certificate, Memorandum etc) – we only
copies of these
documents,Passport copies
of owners and manager
Board Resolution indicating it has been resolved to open a branch office at Free Zone,UAE – original required signed and stamped (contact us for a draft of the same)
When company to be a shareholder Board Resolution should state the following as an example – “XYZ
Company to take a 50% stake in new company ABC FZ LLC to be formed in Free Zone, UAE” – original required signed and stamped (contact us for a draft of the same)
The Board Resolution should also include who will be appointed the Manager / Person in Charge of the branch office or new entity
p osted by Winston Karumba, Senior Business Consultant at Adam
Tel + 97155 3350517
E mail
Board Resolution indicating it has been resolved to open a branch office at Free Zone,UAE – original required signed and stamped (contact us for a draft of the same)
When company to be a shareholder Board Resolution should state the following as an example – “XYZ
Company to take a 50% stake in new company ABC FZ LLC to be formed in Free Zone, UAE” – original required signed and stamped (contact us for a draft of the same)
The Board Resolution should also include who will be appointed the Manager / Person in Charge of the branch office or new entity
Tel + 97155 3350517